Fastelavnsboller af vandbakkelser (Danish Choux Pastry Carnival Buns with Raspberry)
If you have any experience with Scandinavia in January and February, you’ll know that it’s the time of year for people to go fastelavnsboller-crazy.
If you have any experience with Scandinavia in January and February, you’ll know that it’s the time of year for people to go fastelavnsboller-crazy.
While we originally posted this dip recipe a couple of years ago with our recipe for knækbrød, we wanted to give it its own moment and some new pictures! And we thought there was no better time than the holidays to share this with you, as you can easily whip up a batch to serve as an appetizer or snack.
Nobody loves pumpkin-flavored everything in the autumn more than Americans. Take it from us, if you walk around a grocery store in the fall, you will find things you never even thought could exist in a pumpkin version!
Who doesn’t love a good carrot cake? We certainly do. In fact, we would classify it as one of the best cakes to bake, because it’s easy and turns out super yummy!