Skipperlabskovs (Beef and Potato Stew)
Today’s recipe choice for this hearty beef and potato stew has undoubtedly been inspired by the sudden cold weather we’ve been experiencing, both in the UK and the US.
Today’s recipe choice for this hearty beef and potato stew has undoubtedly been inspired by the sudden cold weather we’ve been experiencing, both in the UK and the US.
Christmas has come and gone (so quickly, as always!) and now it’s time to gear up for New Year’s Eve. We’re stuck in that slightly awkward in-between period, where time doesn’t feel that real.
While we originally posted this dip recipe a couple of years ago with our recipe for knækbrød, we wanted to give it its own moment and some new pictures! And we thought there was no better time than the holidays to share this with you, as you can easily whip up a batch to serve as an appetizer or snack.
Today, we wanted to share a recipe that you could use this holiday season for your appetizers or snacks, whether it’s for Christmas Eve, New Year’s Day, or any other time.
While many people struggle when the weather gets colder, which is totally understandable, I find that it’s the coziest time of year. That doesn’t mean I don’t also love the other seasons and a bit of warm weather and sunshine is always welcome.
We’re starting to sound like a broken record, but the weather is slowly (but surely) getting colder, which means it’s the best time of year to bake!
As the weather cools down, I find myself reaching for cookbooks for inspiration to cook a cozy meal. What exactly is a cozy meal? I’m sure it differs for everyone, but to me, it’s often a stew, soup, or one-pot meal that brings you comfort. Bonus points if it pairs well with freshly baked bread!
It may not be the most Scandinavian recipe (or even close to Scandinavian at all), but today we wanted to share a cocktail we recently made that was just too good not to post!
For us, the taste of raspberries brings back countless wonderful memories. We used to pick raspberries in the woods in Denmark with our morfar (grandfather), wearing long sleeves and long pants so we didn’t get pricked by thorns or stung by stinging nettles.