About us
Hej, we’re Skandibaking! Welcome to our website and blog.
We love baking, cooking, and, above all else, eating and sharing food with our friends and family. In Danish, we call this “hygge.” Through Skandibaking, we hope to bring you a bit of hygge as well, by sharing our favorite Scandinavian recipes for you to easily replicate at home and share with your own family and friends.

About Us
We’re two sisters, Emma and Sofie, who are originally from Denmark but have lived in the US since we were 8 and 11. We’re now 26 and 29 years old, living in Birmingham, England and Austin, Texas, USA.
In case you couldn’t guess, we love to bake! We bake anything and everything, from sourdough loaves to brownies to puff pastry; however, we especially love baking Danish pastries, breads, cakes, and cookies. These recipes remind us of our childhood and summers spent in the small coastal town of Nykøbing Sjælland with our siblings, cousins, and grandparents. We love these recipes and hope that you do too!
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